319.083. Special devices and precautions required--costs.
Special devices and precautions required--costs.
319.083. 1. When any person desires to temporarily carryout any function or activity in closer proximity to any highvoltage overhead line than is permitted by sections 319.075 to319.090, the person or persons responsible for the function oractivity shall notify the public utility which owns or operatesthe high voltage overhead line of the function or activity, andshall make appropriate arrangements with the public utility fortemporary mechanical barriers, temporary deenergization andgrounding of the conductors, temporary rerouting of electriccurrent or temporary relocating of the conductors, beforeproceeding with any function or activity which would impair theclearances required by sections 319.075 to 319.090.
2. A person requesting a public utility to providetemporary clearances or other safety precautions shall beresponsible for payment of those costs incurred by such utilityin the temporary rerouting of electric current or the temporaryrelocating of the conductors. Upon request, a public utilityshall provide a written cost estimate for the work needed toprovide temporary clearances or other safety precautions. Apublic utility is not required to provide such clearances orother safety precautions until payment of the estimated amounthas been made. Unless otherwise agreed to, a public utilityshall commence work on such clearances or other safetyprecautions within seven working days after payment has beenmade.
(L. 1991 S.B. 214 & 264 § 4)