319.024. Public notice of excavations, duties of owner and operator.
Public notice of excavations, duties of owner and operator.
319.024. 1. Every person owning or operating an underground facilityshall assist excavators and the general public in determining the locationof underground facilities before excavation activities are begun or as maybe required by subsection 6 of section 319.026 or subsection 1 of section319.030 after an excavation has commenced. Methods of informing the publicand excavators of the means of obtaining such information may, but neednot, include advertising, including advertising in periodicals of generalcirculation or trade publications, information provided to professional ortrade associations which routinely provide information to excavators ordesign professionals, or sponsoring meetings of excavators and designprofessionals for such purposes. Information provided by the notificationcenter on behalf of persons owning or operating an underground facilityshall be deemed in compliance with this section by such persons. Everyperson owning or operating underground facilities who has a written policyin determining the location of its underground facilities shall makeavailable a copy of said policy to any notification center participant orexcavator upon request.
2. Every person owning or operating underground pipeline facilitiesshall, in addition to the requirements of subsection 1 of this section:
(1) Identify on a current basis persons who normally engage inexcavation activities in the area in which the pipeline is located. Everysuch person who is a participant in a notification center shall be deemedto comply with this subdivision if such notification center maintains andupdates a list of the names and addresses of all excavators who have givennotice of intent to excavate to such notification center during theprevious year and provided the notification center shall, not lessfrequently than annually, provide public notification and actualnotification to all excavators on such list of the existence and purpose ofthe notification center, and procedures for obtaining information from thenotification center;
(2) Either directly or through the notification center, notifyexcavators and the public in the vicinity of his or her undergroundpipeline facility of the availability of the notification center byincluding the information set out in subsection 1 of section 319.025 innotifications required by the safety rules of the Missouri public servicecommission relating to its damage prevention program;
(3) Notify excavators annually who give notice of their intent toexcavate of the type of marking to be provided and how to identify themarkings.
(L. 1991 S.B. 214 & 264, A.L. 2001 H.B. 425, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1779)Effective 1-01-09