319.022. Notification centers, participation requirements and eligibility--names of owners and operators made available, when.
Notification centers, participation requirements andeligibility--names of owners and operators made available, when.
319.022. 1. Any person, except a railroad regulated by the FederalRailroad Administration, who installs or otherwise owns or operates anunderground facility shall become a participant in a notification centerupon first acquiring or owning or operating such underground facility.Except as provided in section 319.016, all owners and operators ofunderground facilities within the state shall maintain participation in anotification center.
2. All owners and operators of underground facilities which arelocated in a county of the first classification or second classificationwithin the state who are not members of a notification center on August 28,2001, shall become participants in the notification center prior to January1, 2003. Any person who installs or otherwise becomes an owner or operatorof an underground facility which is located within a county of the firstclassification or second classification on or after January 1, 2003, shallbecome a participant in the notification center within thirty days ofacquiring or operating such underground facility. Beginning January 1,2003, all owners and operators of underground facilities which are locatedin a county of the first classification or second classification within thestate shall maintain participation in the notification center except asprovided otherwise in section 319.016.
3. All owners and operators of underground facilities which arelocated in a county of the third classification or fourth classificationwithin the state who are not members of a notification center on August 28,2001, shall become participants in the notification center prior to January1, 2005. Any person who installs or otherwise becomes an owner or operatorof an underground facility which is located within a county of the thirdclassification or fourth classification on or after January 1, 2005, shallbecome a participant in the notification center within thirty days ofacquiring or operating such underground facility. Beginning January 1,2005, all owners and operators of underground facilities which are locatedin a county of the third classification or fourth classification within thestate shall maintain participation in the notification center except asprovided otherwise in section 319.016.
4. The notification center shall maintain in its offices and makeavailable to any notification center participant or excavator upon requesta current list of the names and addresses of each notification centerparticipant, including the county or counties wherein each participant hasunderground facilities. The notification center may charge a reasonablefee to notification center participants or excavators requesting such listas is necessary to recover the actual costs of printing and mailing.
5. Excavators shall be informed of the availability of the list ofnotification center participants required in subsection 3 of this sectionin the manner provided for in section 319.024.
6. An annual audit or review of the notification center shall beperformed by a certified public accountant and a report of the findingssubmitted to the speaker of the house of representatives and the presidentpro tem of the senate.
(L. 1991 S.B. 214 & 264, A.L. 2001 H.B. 425, A.L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1779)Effective 1-01-09