317.001. Definitions.
317.001. As used in sections 317.001 to 317.021, the following wordsand terms mean:
(1) "Amateur", a person who competes in a boxing, wrestling,kickboxing, or full-contact karate event who has not competed as acontestant for valuable consideration in any event in which similar boxing,wrestling, kickboxing, or full-contact karate skills were used or allowed;
(2) "Bout", one match involving professional boxing, sparring,professional wrestling, professional kickboxing, or professionalfull-contact karate, including professional mixed martial arts;
(3) "Boxing", the sport of attack and defense where contestants areallowed to only use the fist to attack or strike in competition;
(4) "Combative fighting", a bout or contest, with or without glovesor protective headgear, whereby any part of the contestant's body may beused as a weapon or any other means of fighting may be used with thespecific purpose of intentionally injuring the other contestants in such amanner that they may not defend themselves and in which there is noreferee;
(5) "Contest", a bout or a group of bouts involving licensedcontestants competing in professional boxing, sparring, professionalwrestling, professional kickboxing, or professional full-contact karate;
(6) "Contestant", a person who competes in any boxing, wrestling,kickboxing, or full-contact karate event;
(7) "Director", the director of the division of professionalregistration;
(8) "Division", the division of professional registration;
(9) "Exhibition", a boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, or full-contactkarate engagement in which persons are participating to show or displaytheir boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, or full-contact karate skill and inwhich no decision is rendered;
(10) "Full-contact karate", any form of full-contact martial artsincluding, but not limited to, full-contact kungfu, full-contact tae kwondo, or any form of martial arts, mixed martial arts, combat or self-defenseconducted on a full-contact basis in a match where contestants are allowedto deliver blows or strikes;
(11) "Fund", the athletic fund established pursuant to sections317.001 to 317.021;
(12) "Kickboxing", any match in which contestants are allowed to useany form of boxing and are also allowed to use any part of the fist, foot,or leg, with or without shin guards or protective gear, or any combinationthereof to deliver strikes above the waist and which does not constitutemixed martial arts as defined by this section;
(13) "Mixed martial arts", any match in which any form of martialarts or self-defense is conducted on a full-contact basis and where othercombative techniques or tactics are allowed in competition including, butnot limited to, kicking, striking, chokeholds, boxing, wrestling,kickboxing, grappling, or joint manipulation. Professional mixed martialarts is a form of full-contact karate;
(14) "Office", the division of professional registration, office ofathletics;
(15) "Professional", a wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, or full-contactkarate bout or contest where the participants compete for any valuableconsideration or a person who competes in any wrestling, boxing,kickboxing, or full-contact karate bout or contest for any suchconsideration;
(16) "Sparring", any boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, or full-contactkarate conducted for practice and for which admission or other similarconsideration, in any form, is charged to any member of the public;
(17) "Wrestling", any performance of wrestling skills and techniquesby two or more individuals. Participating wrestlers may perform withoutbeing required to use their best efforts in order to win and the winner mayhave been selected before the performance commences.
(L. 1983 H.B. 635 § 1, A.L. 1996 S.B. 524, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)Effective 7-01-08