313.842. Compulsive gamblers fund, created, purpose--programs may be established--department of mental health to administer--fund not to lapse into general revenue.
Compulsive gamblers fund, created, purpose--programs may beestablished--department of mental health to administer--fundnot to lapse into general revenue.
313.842. There may be established programs which shall providetreatment, prevention and education services for compulsive gambling. Asused in this section, "compulsive gambling" means a condition suffered by aperson who is chronically and progressively preoccupied with gambling andthe urge to gamble. Subject to appropriation, such programs shall befunded from the one-cent admission fee authorized pursuant to section313.820, and in addition, may be funded from the taxes collected anddistributed to any city or county under section 313.822. Such moneys shallbe submitted to the state and credited to the "Compulsive Gamblers Fund",which is hereby established within the department of mental health.Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrary,moneys in the fund at the end of any biennium shall not be transferred tothe credit of the general revenue fund. The department of mental healthshall administer programs, either directly or by contract, for compulsivegamblers. The commission may administer programs to educate the publicabout problem gambling and promote treatment programs offered by thedepartment of mental health. In addition, the commission shall administerthe voluntary exclusion program for problem gamblers authorized by section313.833.
(L. 1991 H.B. 149 § 20 Adopted by Referendum, Proposition A, November 3, 1992, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1081 merged with H.B. 1159, A.L. 2000 S.B. 902)