313.690. Bribery of track officials prohibited--passing of altered or fraudulent betting tickets prohibited--unauthorized sale of admission tickets prohibited--penalties.
Bribery of track officials prohibited--passing of altered orfraudulent betting tickets prohibited--unauthorized sale of admissiontickets prohibited--penalties.
313.690. 1. No person shall, directly or indirectly,accept anything of value to be wagered, or willfully orknowingly alter or attempt to alter the outcome of any horserace or engage or conspire with or aid, assist, or abet anyother person in the commission of any corrupt act or practice,including but not limited to:
(1) The giving or offering or promising to directly orindirectly give a bribe in any form to, or the extorting of anypromise from any person having official duties in relation toany race or race horse or to any trainer, jockey, or agent orto any other person having charge of, or access to, any racehorse; or
(2) The passing or attempting to pass or the cashing orattempting to cash any altered or fraudulent pari-mutuelticket; or
(3) The unauthorized sale or the attempt to make anunauthorized sale of any race track admission ticket.
2. Any person who violates the provisions of this sectionshall upon conviction be guilty of a class B felony.
3. The commission shall suspend or revoke the license ofany organization convicted of violating the provisions of thissection.
(L. 1986 S.B. 572)Effective 5-6-86