313.640. Occupational licenses, required, exceptions--application forms, information required, fees--grounds for refusal--grounds for suspension or revocation--affirmative action plan.
Occupational licenses, required, exceptions--application forms,information required, fees--grounds for refusal--grounds forsuspension or revocation--affirmative action plan.
313.640. 1. Every individual participating in horseracing, whether as a race track licensee, holder of any interestin a race track license, association employee, concessionairecontract holder, and owner or general manager of same,concessionaire employee, or racing official, and all otherindividuals whose duties require them to be present onassociation premises during racing hours, or to regularly visitsuch premises during racing hours, are required to have anoccupation license from the commission authorizing them to beemployed on the licensed premises and to practice their business,profession or skill. The following individuals are not requiredto obtain an occupation license:
(1) Public officers and public employees engaged in theperformance of their official duties; and
(2) Individuals exempted by the commission.
License applicants shall be required to furnish to the commissiona set of fingerprints and a recent photograph and shall berequired to be refingerprinted or rephotographed periodically.
2. Each application for an occupation license shall be onforms prescribed by the commission. Such occupation license,when issued, shall be for a period up to one year, except thatthe commission in its discretion may grant up to three-yearlicenses. The application shall be accompanied by a license feewhich shall be set by the commission. Each applicant shall setforth in the application his full name and address, and if he hasbeen issued prior occupation licenses or has been licensed in anyother state under any other name, such name, his age, whether apermit or license issued to him in any other state has beensuspended or revoked and if so whether such suspension orrevocation is in effect at the time of the application, and suchother information as the commission may require. The commissionshall also determine fees for registration of stable names. Feescollected for registration of stable names shall be deposited inthe state treasury to the credit of general revenue and subjectto appropriation as provided by law.
3. The commission may in its discretion refuse anoccupation license to any individual:
(1) Who has been convicted of a crime;
(2) Who is unqualified to perform the duties required ofsuch applicant;
(3) Who fails to disclose or states falsely any informationcalled for in the application;
(4) Who has been found guilty of a violation of sections313.500 to 313.710 or of the rules and regulations of thecommission;
(5) Whose occupation license or permit has been suspended,revoked or denied for just cause in any state;
(6) Who is a past or present member or participant inorganized crime as such membership or participant may be found ordetermined by the commission;
(7) Who is an illegal alien;
(8) Who is an employee of the commission or any spouse,child, brother, sister, or parent of an employee or member of thecommission; or
(9) For any other just cause.
4. The commission may suspend or revoke any occupationlicense:
(1) For violation of any of the provisions of sections313.500 to 313.710; or
(2) For violation of any of the rules or regulations of thecommission; or
(3) For any cause which, if known to the commission, wouldhave justified the commission in refusing to issue suchoccupation license; or
(4) For any other just cause.
5. At least eighty percent of all individuals employeddirectly at each and every race meeting by an organizationlicensed to conduct horse racing under sections 313.500 to313.710 shall be residents of the state of Missouri for a periodof ninety days next preceding the date of employment and duringthe course of employment.
6. In acting on applications for organization licenses, thecommission shall require all applicants to implement a good faithaffirmative action effort to recruit, train and upgrademinorities in all classifications of employment by the applicant.The applicant shall furnish the commission with a description ofplans for compliance with all laws pertaining to discrimination,equal employment, and affirmative action; policies regardingrecruitment, use, and advancement of minorities; policies withrespect to minority contracting; a copy of Equal EmploymentOpportunity Statement and Policy of the applicant dated andsigned by the chief executive officer; and a copy of AffirmativeAction Policy and Procedures dated and signed; and identificationof the affirmative action officer, including name, title,address, and telephone number.
(L. 1986 S.B. 572, A.L. 1987 S.B. 384)Effective 6-9-87