313.605. Track license--financial interest by public officials prohibited, grounds for suspension or revocation.
Track license--financial interest by public officials prohibited,grounds for suspension or revocation.
313.605. 1. In addition to the provisions of subsection 1of this section, no organization shall be granted a race tracklicense to hold a race meeting in this state and the commissionmay revoke or suspend a race track license if any publicofficial of the state or his or her spouse, children or parentshold any financial interest, directly or indirectly, in theshares of stock or certificates or other evidences of ownershipin the organization.
2. No organization which has been granted a race tracklicense to hold a race meeting shall give to any publicofficial or his or her spouse, children or parents, directly orindirectly, for or without consideration any interest in sharesof stock or certificates or other evidences of ownership in theorganization. The commission shall, after hearing, revoke therace track license granted to an organization which hasviolated this subsection.
(L. 1986 S.B. 572)Effective 5-6-86