313.295. Payment of prizes to minors and disabled adults under personal custodian law.
Payment of prizes to minors and disabled adults under personalcustodian law.
313.295. 1. If the person entitled to a prize, or paymentof the prize after the prize winner's death, is* under the age ofeighteen years or is a disabled adult person, the payment of theprize shall be made by delivery of a check or draft payable tothe order of the minor's or disabled adult person's conservator,if any.
2. If the minor or disabled adult person does not have aconservator, payments not over ten thousand dollars may be madeto a guardian, an adult member of the person's family or afinancial institution as custodian for the minor under theMissouri transfers to minors law, or as custodian for thedisabled adult person under the Missouri personal custodian law.If the payment is over ten thousand dollars and is not paid to aconservator, trustee or personal custodian designated by theprize winner, or a financial institution, the approval of theprobate division of the circuit court shall first be obtained forany payment to a custodian, under subsection 3 of section404.031, RSMo, for minors and subsection 2 of section 404.490,RSMo, for disabled adult persons, and payment shall be made inaccordance with the court's order.
3. The commission and the director shall be discharged ofall further liability upon payment of a prize to a minor ordisabled adult person pursuant to this section.
(L. 1985 S.B. 44 § 20, A.L. 1993 S.B. 215)*Word "if" appears in original rolls, an apparent typographical error.