313.290. Ticket or share prices fixed--counterfeiting prohibited--penalty.

Ticket or share prices fixed--counterfeiting prohibited--penalty.

313.290. 1. No person shall sell a ticket or share at aprice other than that fixed by rule or regulation of thecommission. No person other than a licensed lottery gameretailer shall sell lottery tickets or shares, but nothing inthis section shall be construed to prevent any person fromgiving lottery tickets or shares to another as a gift. Anyviolation of this section is a class A misdemeanor.

2. Any person who falsely or fraudulently makes, forges,alters or counterfeits, or causes or procures to be made,forged, altered or counterfeited, any state lottery ticket, orany part thereof, or who knowingly and willfully utters,publishes, passes or tenders as true, any forged, altered orcounterfeited state lottery ticket is guilty of a class Cfelony. Any person who with intent to defraud secures,manufactures, or causes to be secured or manufactured, or has inhis possession any counterfeit state lottery ticket or device,is guilty of a class D felony.

(L. 1985 S.B. 44 § 19)

Effective 6-11-85