313.075. Bingo not deemed gambling--licensed sales or consumption of beer and alcoholic beverages not prohibited.
Bingo not deemed gambling--licensed sales or consumption of beer andalcoholic beverages not prohibited.
313.075. The conduct or playing games of bingo under the provisionsof sections 313.005 to 313.080 does not constitute gambling or gamblingactivities and the power of the division of liquor control to prohibit thelicensing of any premises on which gambling or gambling activities areconducted or played, or to prohibit the sale or consumption of beer oralcoholic beverage on any premises on which gambling or gambling activitiesare conducted or played, shall not apply where the only activity is theconduct or playing of games of bingo under the provisions of sections313.005 to 313.080. Any licensee under sections 313.005 to 313.080 may, ifsuch licensee meets all other requirements of the liquor licensing laws ofthis state, be licensed by the division of liquor control as provided inchapter 311, RSMo, and the conduct or playing of games of bingo under theprovisions of sections 313.005 to 313.080 shall not, by itself, be a reasonfor refusal to license or for suspension or revocation of a license underthe provisions of chapter 311, RSMo.
(L. 1981 H.B. 322 § 15, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)