313.052. Grounds for disciplinary action against licensee.
Grounds for disciplinary action against licensee.
313.052. A holder of any license shall be subject toimposition of penalties, suspension or revocation of suchlicense, or other action for any act or failure to act by himselfor his agents or employees, that is injurious to the publichealth, safety, good order and general welfare of the people ofthe state of Missouri, or that would discredit or tend todiscredit charitable bingo operations in Missouri or the state ofMissouri unless the licensee proves by clear and convincingevidence that he is* not guilty of such action. The commissionshall take appropriate action against any licensee who violatesthe law or the rules and regulations of the commission. Withoutlimiting other provisions of sections 313.005 to 313.085, thefollowing acts or omissions may be grounds for such discipline:
(1) Failing to comply with or make provision for compliancewith the provisions of sections 313.005 to 313.085, the rules andregulations of the commission or any federal, state or local lawor regulation;
(2) Failing to comply with any rule, order or ruling of thecommission or its agents pertaining to bingo;
(3) Receiving or purchasing goods or services from a personor business entity who does not hold a supplier's ormanufacturer's license issued pursuant to sections 313.005 to313.085, but who is required to hold such license by theprovisions of sections 313.005 to 313.085 or the rules andregulations of the commission;
(4) Associating with, either socially or in businessaffairs, or employing persons of notorious or unsavory reputationor who have extensive police records, or who have failed tocooperate with any officially constituted investigatory oradministrative body and would adversely affect public confidenceand trust in gaming;
(5) Employing in any bingo operation any person known tohave been found guilty of cheating or using any improper devicein connection with any bingo game;
(6) Use of fraud, deception, misrepresentation or briberyin securing any permit or license issued pursuant to theprovisions of sections 313.005 to 313.085;
(7) Obtaining or attempting to obtain any fee, charge, orother compensation by fraud, deception, or misrepresentation;
(8) Incompetence, misconduct, gross negligence, fraud,misrepresentation or dishonesty in the performance of thefunctions or duties regulated by the provisions of sections313.005 to 313.085.
(L. 1994 S.B. 427)Effective 6-28-94
*Words "they are" appear in original rolls.