313.005. Definitions.
313.005. As used in sections 313.005 to 313.080, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Bingo", a game in which each participant receives oneor more cards, including, but not limited to, pull-tab cards,marked off into twenty-five squares arranged on five horizontalrows of five squares each; or, one or more cards marked off intotwenty-five squares arranged on five horizontal rows of fivesquares each which are not pull-tab cards and, in additionthereto, one or more pull-tab cards. Each square is designatedby number, letter or by a combination of numbers and letters,except that the center square on the card shall be designatedwith the word "free". No two cards shall be identical. As theannouncer of the game announces a number, letter or a combinationof numbers and letters, each player covers the squarecorresponding to the announced number, letter or combination bymarking such card in ink. The numbers, letters or combination ofnumbers and letters which are announced shall appear on an objectselected by chance, either manually or mechanically, from areceptacle containing the objects bearing numbers, letters orcombinations of numbers and letters. The winner of each gameshall be the player or players who are first to properly cover apredetermined and announced pattern of squares upon the card orcards used by such player or players. A prize or prizes may beawarded to the winner or winners of a game;
(2) "Bingo card", an individual game face marked off intotwenty-five squares arranged on five horizontal rows of fivesquares each, one or more of which may be contained on a bingosheet;
(3) "Bingo equipment", all paraphernalia used to conduct abingo game including selection equipment, number display boards,and bingo cards and faces and other such related equipment as maybe defined by the rules and regulations of the commission. Thisdefinition does not include audio or video equipment which playsno part in the conduct of the game other than communicating theprogress of the game or items used to mark numbers on the cards;
(4) "Bingo sheet", a disposable piece of paper containingone or more bingo cards;
(5) "Charitable organization", any organization which isorganized and operated for the relief of poverty, distress, orother condition of public concern within this state or organizedfor financially supporting the activities of a charitableorganization as hereinbefore defined. In order to qualify as acharitable organization, no part of the net earnings of theorganization may inure to the benefit of any private shareholderor individual member of the organization. Charitableorganizations must have obtained an exemption from the payment offederal income taxes as provided in section 501(c)(3) of theInternal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;
(6) "Commission", the Missouri gaming commission;
(7) "Director", the director or other person in charge ofthe regulation of the game of bingo, as designated by theMissouri gaming commission;
(8) "Fraternal organization", any organization within thisstate operating under the lodge system which exists for thecommon benefit, brotherhood or other interest of its membersexcept college fraternities and sororities and of which no partof the net earnings inures to the benefit of any privateshareholder or any individual member of such organization andwhich has been exempted from the payment of federal income tax asprovided in section 501(c)(5), 501(c)(8), or 501(c)(10) InternalRevenue Code of 1954, as amended;
(9) "Hall provider", a person or business entity whichleases premises in which bingo games are conducted;
(10) "Pull-tab card", any disposable card or ticket whichaccords a person an opportunity to win something of value byopening, pulling, detaching, or otherwise removing tabs from thecard or ticket to reveal a set of numbers, letters, symbols, orconfigurations, or any combination thereof. The term "pull-tabcard" shall include any card known as a pickle ticket, pickle,break-open, or pull-tab card;
(11) "Religious organization", any organization, church,body of communicants, or group, gathered in common membership formutual support and edification in piety, worship and religiousobservances. Such an organization may be a society ofindividuals united for religious purposes at a definite place.In order to qualify as a religious organization, no part of thenet earnings of the organization may inure to the benefit of anyprivate shareholder or any individual member of suchorganization. Religious organizations shall maintain anestablished place of worship within this state and shall have aregular schedule of services or meetings at least on a weeklybasis. Religious organizations must have obtained an exemptionfrom the payment of federal income taxes as provided by section501(c)(3) or section 501(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,as amended;
(12) "Service organization", any organization commonlyknown as a civic club or county fair or other organization ifsuch organization is a religious, charitable, fraternal, veteranor service organization as described in article III, section39(a) of the Missouri Constitution and of which no part of thenet earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder orindividual member of such organization. Service organizationsmust have obtained an exemption from the payment of federalincome taxes as provided in section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5) or501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;
(13) "Supplier", a person or business entity that sells,markets or otherwise provides bingo equipment or supplies to anybona fide religious, charitable, fraternal, veteran or serviceorganization;
(14) "Veterans' organization", a post or organization ofveterans, or an auxiliary unit or society of, or a trust orfoundation for, any such post or organization:
(a) Organized in the United States or any of itspossessions;
(b) In which at least seventy-five percent of the membersof which are war veterans and substantially all of the othermembers of which are individuals who are veterans (but not warveterans) or are cadets, or are spouses, widows or widowers ofwar veterans of such individuals; and
(c) In which no part of the net earnings of which inures tothe benefit of any private shareholder or individual and whichhas been exempted from payment of federal income taxes asprovided by section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of1954, as amended.
(L. 1981 H.B. 322 § 1, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1503, A.L. 1984 S.B. 720, A.L. 1986 S.B. 461, A.L. 1993 S.B. 10 & 11, A.L. 1994 S.B. 427)Effective 6-28-94