311.660. Powers of supervisor--regulations--subpoenas.
Powers of supervisor--regulations--subpoenas.
311.660. The supervisor of liquor control shall have theauthority to suspend or revoke for cause all such licenses; andto make the following regulations, without limiting thegenerality of provisions empowering the supervisor of liquorcontrol as in this chapter set forth as to the following matters,acts and things:
(1) Fix and determine the nature, form and capacity of allpackages used for containing intoxicating liquor of any kind, tobe kept or sold under this law;
(2) Prescribe an official seal and label and determine themanner in which such seal or label shall be attached to everypackage of intoxicating liquor so sold under this law; thisincludes prescribing different official seals or different labelsfor the different classes, varieties or brands of intoxicatingliquor;
(3) Prescribe all forms, applications and licenses and suchother forms as are necessary to carry out the provisions of thischapter, except that when a licensee substantially complies withall requirements for the renewal of a license by the date onwhich the application for renewal is due, such licensee shall bepermitted at least an additional ten days from the date notice issent that the application is deficient, in which to complete theapplication;
(4) Prescribe the terms and conditions of the licensesissued and granted under this law;
(5) Prescribe the nature of the proof to be furnished andconditions to be observed in the issuance of duplicate licenses,in lieu of those lost or destroyed;
(6) Establish rules and regulations for the conduct of thebusiness carried on by each specific licensee under the license,and such rules and regulations if not obeyed by every licenseeshall be grounds for the revocation or suspension of the license;
(7) The right to examine books, records and papers of eachlicensee and to hear and determine complaints against anylicensee;
(8) To issue subpoenas and all necessary processes andrequire the production of papers, to administer oaths and to taketestimony;
(9) Prescribe all forms of labels to be affixed to allpackages containing intoxicating liquor of any kind; and
(10) To make such other rules and regulations as arenecessary and feasible for carrying out the provisions of thischapter, as are not inconsistent with this law.
(RSMo 1939 § 4889, A.L. 1989 S.B. 429)CROSS REFERENCE:
Regulations to be filed in office of secretary of state, Const. Art. V § 22
(1964) This section and regulation of supervisor pursuant thereto forbidding any advertisement of intoxicating liquor which contains offer of coupon, premium, prize or rebate as inducement to purchase intoxicating liquor held valid. Milgram Food Stores, Inc. v. Ketchum (Mo.), 384 S.W.2d 510.
(1975) For discussion of "reasonable rule regulation" as applied to this section, see Brown-Foreman Distillers Corporation v. Stewart (Mo.), 520 S.W.2d 1.