307.370. Prohibited acts.
Prohibited acts.
307.370. 1. No person shall represent in any manner anyplace as an official inspection station unless the station isoperated under a valid permit issued by the superintendent of theMissouri state highway patrol.
2. No person unless then holding a valid permit shall issuea certificate of inspection and approval, sticker, seal or otherdevice.
3. No person shall make, issue or knowingly use anyimitation or counterfeit of an official certificate ofinspection, sticker, seal or other device.
4. No person shall display or cause or permit to bedisplayed upon any vehicle any certificate of inspection andapproval, sticker, seal or other device knowing the same to befictitious or issued for another vehicle or issued without aninspection having been made.
(L. 1967 p. 418 § 5, A.L. 1971 S.B. 110)*Transferred 1969; formerly 304.740