306.167. Powers of peace officer when working in cooperation with other law enforcement agency.

Powers of peace officer when working in cooperation with other lawenforcement agency.

306.167. The uniformed members of the state water patrol, with theexception of radio personnel, shall have full power and authority as now orhereafter vested by law in peace officers when working with and at thespecial request of the sheriff of any county, the chief park ranger of anyfirst class county not having a charter form of government and containing aportion of a city with a population exceeding four hundred thousandinhabitants, the chief of police of any city, or the superintendent of thestate highway patrol as directed by the commissioner of the water patrol;provided, however, that such power and authority shall be exercised onlyupon the prior notification of the chief law enforcement officer of eachjurisdiction.

(L. 1989 S.B. 135, A.L. 2004 S.B. 920)