305.603. Certain aid for displaced persons.
Certain aid for displaced persons.
305.603. 1. Whenever a program or project to beundertaken by a displacing agency will result in thedisplacement of any person from a residence or business, thehead of the displacing agency shall provide for the followingaid for the displaced person in addition to the compensationrequired for the real estate:
(1) Actual reasonable expenses in moving himself, hisfamily, business, farm operation, or other personal property;
(2) Actual direct losses of tangible personal property as aresult of moving or discontinuing a business or farm operation,but not to exceed an amount equal to the reasonable expensesthat would have been required to relocate such property;
(3) Actual reasonable expenses in searching for areplacement business or farm; and
(4) Actual reasonable expenses necessary to reestablish adisplaced farm, nonprofit organization, or small business at itsnew site, but not to exceed ten thousand dollars.
2. Any displaced person eligible for payments undersubsection 1 of this section may elect to receive an expense anddislocation allowance under this subsection in lieu of thepayments available under subsection 1 of this section. Theexpense and dislocation allowance shall be determined accordingto criteria and a schedule established by the United StatesDepartment of Transportation.
3. The displacing agency may provide additional relocationpayments to utility facilities which incur extraordinary costsin connection with a relocation as determined by federal law andregulations of the department of transportation.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1510 § 2)Effective 6-14-90