304.120. Municipal regulations--owner or lessor not liable for violations, when.
Municipal regulations--owner or lessor not liable for violations,when.
304.120. 1. Municipalities, by ordinance, may establishreasonable speed regulations for motor vehicles within the limitsof such municipalities. No person who is not a resident of suchmunicipality and who has not been within the limits thereof for acontinuous period of more than forty-eight hours, shall beconvicted of a violation of such ordinances, unless it is shownby competent evidence that there was posted at the place wherethe boundary of such municipality joins or crosses any highway asign displaying in black letters not less than four inches highand one inch wide on a white background the speed fixed by suchmunicipality so that such sign may be clearly seen by operatorsand drivers from their vehicles upon entering such municipality.
2. Municipalities, by ordinance, may:
(1) Make additional rules of the road or traffic regulationsto meet their needs and traffic conditions;
(2) Establish one-way streets and provide for the regulationof vehicles thereon;
(3) Require vehicles to stop before crossing certaindesignated streets and boulevards;
(4) Limit the use of certain designated streets andboulevards to passenger vehicles;
(5) Prohibit the use of certain designated streets tovehicles with metal tires, or solid rubber tires;
(6) Regulate the parking of vehicles on streets by theinstallation of parking meters for limiting the time of parkingand exacting a fee therefor or by the adoption of any otherregulatory method that is reasonable and practical, and prohibitor control left-hand turns of vehicles;
(7) Require the use of signaling devices on all motorvehicles; and
(8) Prohibit sound producing warning devices, except hornsdirected forward.
3. No ordinance shall be valid which contains provisionscontrary to or in conflict with this chapter, except as hereinprovided.
4. No ordinance shall impose liability on the owner-lessorof a motor vehicle when the vehicle is being permissively used bya lessee and is illegally parked or operated if the registeredowner-lessor of such vehicle furnishes the name, address andoperator's license number of the person renting or leasing thevehicle at the time the violation occurred to the propermunicipal authority within three working days from the time ofreceipt of written request for such information. Any registeredowner-lessor who fails or refuses to provide such informationwithin the period required by this subsection shall be liable forthe imposition of any fine established by municipal ordinance forthe violation. Provided, however, if a leased motor vehicle isillegally parked due to a defect in such vehicle, which rendersit inoperable, not caused by the fault or neglect of the lessee,then the lessor shall be liable on any violation for illegalparking of such vehicle.
(RSMo 1939 § 8395, A.L. 1943 p. 659, A. 1949 S.B. 1113, A.L. 1975 H.B. 83)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7780; 1919 § 7596
(1960) Funds of city derived from on-street parking meters held properly used as a means of financing off-street parking facilities. Automobile Club of Missouri v. City of St. Louis (Mo.), 334 S.W.2d 355.