304.029. Operation of low-speed vehicles on highway, permitted when--exemptions.
Operation of low-speed vehicles on highway, permittedwhen--exemptions.
304.029. 1. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a low-speedvehicle may be operated upon a highway in the state if it meets therequirements of this section. Every person operating a low-speed vehicleshall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all the dutiesapplicable to the driver of any other motor vehicle except as to the specialregulations in this section and except as to those provisions which by theirnature can have no application.
2. The operator of a low-speed vehicle shall observe all traffic lawsand local ordinances regarding the rules of the road. A low-speed vehicleshall not be operated on a street or a highway with a posted speed limitgreater than thirty-five miles per hour. The provisions of this subsectionshall not prohibit a low-speed vehicle from crossing a street or highway witha posted speed limit greater than thirty-five miles per hour.
3. A low-speed vehicle shall be exempt from the requirements of sections307.350 to 307.402, RSMo, for purposes of titling and registration. Low-speedvehicles shall comply with the standards in 49 CFR 571.500, as amended.
4. Every operator of a low-speed vehicle shall maintain financialresponsibility on such low-speed vehicle as required by chapter 303, RSMo, ifthe low-speed vehicle is to be operated upon the highways of this state.
5. Each person operating a low-speed vehicle on a highway in this stateshall possess a valid driver's license issued pursuant to chapter 302, RSMo.
6. For purposes of this section a "low-speed vehicle" shall have themeaning ascribed to it in 49 CFR, section 571.3, as amended.
7. All low-speed vehicles shall be manufactured in compliance with theNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration standards for low-speedvehicles in 49 CFR 571.500, as amended.
8. Nothing in this section shall prevent county or municipal governmentsfrom adopting more stringent local ordinances governing low-speed vehicleoperation if the governing body of the county or municipality determines thatsuch ordinances are necessary in the interest of public safety. Thedepartment of transportation may prohibit the operation of low-speed vehicleson any highway under its jurisdiction if it determines that the prohibition isnecessary in the interest of public safety.
(L. 2004 H.B. 996 and H.B. 1142 and H.B. 1201 and H.B. 1489 merged with S.B. 1233, et al.)