301.320. Other plates prohibited.
Other plates prohibited.
301.320. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or traileron which there is displayed on the front or rear thereof anyother plate, tag or placard bearing any number except the platefurnished by the director of revenue or the placard hereinauthorized, and the official license tag of any municipality ofthis state, nor shall there be displayed on any motor vehicle ortrailer a placard, sign or tag bearing the words "license lost","license applied for", or words of similar import, as asubstitute for such number plates or such placard.
(RSMo 1939 § 8377, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 380, A. 1949 S.B. 1110)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7770; 1919 §§ 7564, 7565
Identification plates for consular officers, RSMo 26.140