293.560. State inspections for health safety--procedure when ventilation inadequate.
State inspections for health safety--procedure when ventilationinadequate.
293.560. The director or state mine inspectors are herebyauthorized, empowered and directed to thoroughly inspect allunderground excavations in all mines other than coal, as often asthe director of the division of mine inspection may deem proper,from and after the passage and approval of this chapter, andascertain the condition of such underground excavations withrespect to the health of employees engaged in working in suchunderground excavations; and if after such examination, theinspector shall find that the health of the employees is impairedby reason of there not being sufficient circulation of air orventilation for such employees, it shall be the duty of suchinspector to immediately notify the owner, agent or operator ofsuch mine, in writing, specifying the underground excavations sofound to be unhealthful, and direct such owner, agent or operatorof such mine to, within fifteen days after receiving such writtennotice, commence to drill a sufficient number of air holes forsuch underground excavation, or to sink a shaft to connect withsuch underground excavation, or to make drift connection with acontiguous mine, at some point or points to be agreed to by suchinspector, as may in the discretion of the inspector furnishsufficient ventilation for such mine, and to prosecute the workof correcting such defect in ventilation, as directed by theinspector, with all due diligence until completed. And theinspectors shall have the power, if they deem it for the interestof the employees engaged in working in such undergroundexcavations, so affected by such notice to require all work andoperations in such mine or mines to cease until such defect inventilation shall have been corrected, or until further notifiedby such inspector.
(L. 1959 S.B. 188 § 60)