293.340. Coal mines with twenty-five miners, signalmen required--hoisting cages furnished, when--penalty.
Coal mines with twenty-five miners, signalmen required--hoistingcages furnished, when--penalty.
293.340. 1. The owner, agent or operator of all coal minesemploying twenty-five or more men, shall cause a competent personto be stationed at the top of the shaft, and a competent personto be stationed at the bottom of the shaft, whose duties shall beto answer all signals for the lowering or hoisting of men in theshaft, and to keep watch over, and control of, such signals whilemen are being lowered or hoisted in the shaft; the persons soappointed to look after said signals shall be at their posts ofduty at least thirty minutes before the hoisting of coal hascommenced in the morning, and shall remain after the hoisting ofcoal has ceased in the evening at least thirty minutes. Whenevereight persons shall present themselves at the bottom of the shaftand after having finished their day's work, or otherwise havingbeen prevented from working, an empty cage shall be furnished thesame on which to ascend.
2. Any owner, agent or operator of coal mines in this state,who shall knowingly violate any provisions of this section, shallbe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall bepunished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor morethan three hundred dollars for each offense, or by imprisonmentin the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more thanninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(L. 1959 S.B. 188 § 37)