290.410. Employer not to pay female lower wage.

Employer not to pay female lower wage.

290.410. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, noemployer shall pay any female in his employ at wage rates lessthan the wage rates paid to male employees in the sameestablishment for the same quantity and quality of the sameclassification of work, provided that nothing herein shallprohibit a variation of rates of pay for male and femaleemployees engaged in the same classification of work based upon adifference in seniority, length of service, ability, skill,difference in duties or services performed, difference in theshift or time of day worked, hours of work, or restrictions orprohibitions on lifting or moving objects in excess of specifiedweight, or other reasonable differentiation, or factors otherthan sex, when exercised in good faith.

(L. 1963 p. 416 § 2)