290.400. Definitions.


290.400. As used in sections 290.400 to 290.450 thefollowing words have the meanings indicated unless the contextclearly requires otherwise:

(1) "Commission", the labor and industrial relationscommission of Missouri;

(2) "Employee", every woman or man in receipt of or entitledto compensation for labor performed for any employer;

(3) "Employer", every person, firm, corporation, agent,manager, representative, contractor, subcontractor, principal orother person having control or direction of any woman or manemployed at any labor, or responsible directly or indirectly forthe wages of another;

(4) "Female", a woman of eighteen years or over;

(5) "Wage rates" or "wages", any compensation for labormeasured by time, piece, or otherwise.

(L. 1963 p. 416 § 1)