287.825. Death of member before or after retirement--benefits of beneficiaries.

Death of member before or after retirement--benefits of beneficiaries.

287.825. 1. On and after August 13, 1984, in the eventthat a person who is serving as an administrative law judge orlegal advisor of the division dies, retirement benefits shall bepaid in monthly installments to his beneficiary in the amountequal to fifty percent of the amount of the retirement benefitsprovided in section 287.820 regardless of the period of hisservice; except that where the period of service could not havebeen twelve years or more because of a voluntary or mandatoryretirement provision, the retirement benefits provided by thissubsection shall be reduced by the proportion that the number ofyears that he would have lacked serving twelve years had he beenable to serve until voluntary or mandatory retirement bears totwelve years. The benefits to the beneficiary provided hereinshall commence immediately upon the death of the administrativelaw judge or legal advisor.

2. In the event a person who has retired under theprovisions of sections 287.812 to 287.855 dies, benefits, in theamount equal to fifty percent of the amount of the retirementbenefits paid to the person under the provisions of sections287.820 to 287.830 shall be paid in monthly installments to hisbeneficiary.

3. In the event that a person dies who has served in thisstate for an aggregate of twelve years, continuously orotherwise, as an administrative law judge or legal advisor, orboth of the divisions and who, after August 13, 1984, ceased orceases to hold office by reason of the expiration of his term,voluntary resignation or removal by the governor fornondisciplinary reasons, but who has not retired under theprovisions of sections 287.812 to 287.855, retirementcompensation shall be paid in monthly installments to hisbeneficiary in the amount equal to fifty percent of the amountof retirement compensation provided in section 287.820. Thebenefits to the beneficiary provided herein shall commenceimmediately upon the death of the former administrative lawjudge or legal advisor.

4. In the event that any surviving spouse receivingbenefits under the provisions of sections 287.812 to 287.855dies leaving a surviving beneficiary as defined in section287.812, the benefits received by such surviving spouse shall bepaid to such surviving beneficiary during the remainder of theperiod of his eligibility. If such surviving spouse leaves morethan one surviving beneficiary, then each beneficiary during theremainder of the period of his eligibility shall receive a prorata share of the amount paid to the surviving spouse under theprovisions of sections 287.812 to 287.855.

(L. 1984 H.B. 1106, A.L. 1987 H.B. 564)

Effective 8-31-87