287.810. Change of administrative law judge, procedure, limitations.
Change of administrative law judge, procedure, limitations.
287.810. 1. A change of administrative law judge shall beordered in any hearing held under this chapter upon the filing ofa written application for such change by any party or his agentor attorney. The application need not allege or prove any causefor such change of administrative law judge, and need not beverified.
2. An application for change of administrative law judgemust be filed at least thirty days before the hearing date orwithin five days after a hearing setting date has been made,whichever date is later, unless the administrative law judge whowill hear the case has not been* designated within that time, inwhich event the application may be filed within ten days afterthe administrative law judge has been designated or at any timeprior to the hearing, whichever date is earlier.
3. An application for change of administrative law judge maybe made by one or more parties, but each party is limited to onesuch change of judge.
4. Upon the presentation of a timely application for thechange of an administrative law judge, the commission shallpromptly sustain the application and shall designate anotheradministrative law judge.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1396)*Word "be" appears in original rolls.