287.149. Benefits to be paid, when--reduction of benefits, when.

Benefits to be paid, when--reduction of benefits, when.

287.149. 1. Temporary total disability or temporarypartial disability benefits shall be paid throughout therehabilitative process.

2. The permanency of the employee's disability undersections 287.170 to 287.200 shall not be established, determinedor adjudicated while the employee is participating inrehabilitation services.

3. Refusal of the employee to accept rehabilitationservices or submit to a vocational rehabilitation assessment asdeemed necessary by the employer shall result in a fifty percentreduction in all disability payments to an employee, includingtemporary partial disability benefits paid pursuant to section287.180, for each week of the period of refusal.

(L. 1990 S.B. 751)

Effective 7-1-91