281.110. Authorization to accept federal aid.
Authorization to accept federal aid.
281.110. The director may cooperate, receive grants-in-aid,and enter into agreements with any agency of the federalgovernment, of this state or its subdivisions, or with any agencyof another state, in order:
(1) To secure uniformity of regulations;
(2) To cooperate in the enforcement of the federal pesticidecontrol laws through the use of state or federal personnel andfacilities and to implement cooperative enforcement programs;
(3) To develop and administer state training programs forcertification of applicators consistent with federal standards;
(4) To contract with other agencies including federalagencies for the purpose of training certified applicators;
(5) To contract for monitoring pesticides for the nationalplan;
(6) To prepare and submit state plans to meet federalcertification standards;
(7) To regulate certified applicators; or
(8) To contract with other agencies for the purpose oftraining pesticide dealers.
(L. 1974 S.B. 431 § 21)