278.200. Feasibility determination--election.
Feasibility determination--election.
278.200. 1. The soil and water supervisors shall considerand determine whether the operation of the subdistrict within thedefined boundaries as proposed is desirable, practicable,feasible, and of necessity in the interest of public health,safety, and the general welfare. All interested parties shallhave a right to attend the hearing and to be heard. The soil andwater supervisors may for good cause adjourn the hearing to a daycertain which shall be announced at the time of adjournment andmade a matter of record.
2. Upon reaching a favorable conclusion on these matters,the soil and water supervisors shall call for and conduct, orcause to be conducted, a referendum by ballot of landownerswithin the area of the proposed subdistrict, on the question ofestablishing the proposed subdistrict. If sixty-five percent ofall landowners voting in this referendum, do vote in favor ofthis establishment, the soil and water supervisors shall declarethat the subdistrict is duly organized and the action shall berecorded in their official minutes together with an appropriateofficial name or designation for the subdistrict.
(L. 1957 p. 4 § 278.180, A.L. 1969 S.B. 184)