278.150. Disestablishment of soil and water districts--referendum--procedure.
Disestablishment of soil and water districts--referendum--procedure.
278.150. 1. The state soil and water districts commissionupon receiving at any time a petition for the disestablishment ofany soil and water district, said petition being signed by notless than twenty-five land representatives in each townshipwithin the area covered by the petition, shall presently call forand conduct within that district a referendum upon thedisestablishment of that district; and if a majority of the landrepresentatives voting in this referendum do vote in favor of thedisestablishment, the soil and water commission shall declarethat district to be disestablished, and the soil and watersupervisors of that district may not thereafter enter into anycontracts or agreements on behalf of that district.
2. The state soil and water districts commission upondeclaring the disestablishment of any soil and water districtshall take charge of all property belonging to such soil andwater district, and, if practicable, may complete any contract oragreement entered into but left unfinished by the soil and watersupervisors of that district. The property shall be sold ortransferred to other soil and water districts, by the soil andwater commission, and the proceeds from such sale shall beexpended by the soil and water commission; provided, however,that such expenditure shall promote soil and water conservationin a soil and water district or in soil and water districts; andprovided further, that any property purchased with county fundsfor the use of a soil and water district shall, upon thedisestablishment of that district, be returned to the countycommission of that district. The soil and water commission shallalso take charge of any unspent funds contributed from privatesources to the soil and water district before thedisestablishment of such district, and shall either return suchfunds to the donor or expend such funds in the promotion of soiland water conservation according to the terms of the donation.Subsequent to the disestablishment of a soil and water districtthe area once comprising this district shall not be eligible toreestablishment as a soil and water district for a period of twoyears, but at the end of that period it may be reestablished bythe same procedure, section 278.100, employed for its firstestablishment.
(L. 1943 p. 839 § 9, A.L. 1961 p. 31)