278.120. District shall be body corporate--duties.
District shall be body corporate--duties.
278.120. 1. Any soil and water district organized under theprovisions of this law shall be a body corporate and shallpossess only such powers as herein provided, but any such powerspossessed by said body corporate shall be particularly limited bythe following provisos: provided, that the private property ofany land representative or owner of property in such soil andwater district shall be exempt from execution for the debts ofthe body corporate or soil and water district and no landrepresentative or owner of property within said soil and waterdistrict shall be liable or responsible for any debts of the bodycorporate or soil and water district, and provided further, thatno property of any character, title to which is not vested insaid soil and water district, or a soil and water district, asthe case may be, shall ever be subject to any lien for any claimor judgment of or against said district, or a soil and waterdistrict as the case may be. Any soil and water district soorganized shall be officially known and titled "The Soil andWater District of ................ County", and shall be sodesignated by the county commission by order of record, and inthat name shall be capable of suing and being sued and ofcontracting and being contracted with.
2. A soil and water district through the board of soil andwater district supervisors thereof shall have the followingauthority and duty in addition to other authority and dutygranted in other sections of this law:
(1) To promote all reasonable measures for the saving of thesoil and water within that soil and water district; and all suchmeasures shall be in general agreement with those currentlyadvocated by the college of agriculture of the University ofMissouri for saving the productive power of Missouri farm land;
(2) To cooperate or enter into agreements with, and to aidwithin the limits of appropriations duly made available to it bylaw, any agency, government or otherwise, or any landrepresentative within that soil and water district, in the savingof the soil and water within that district; and all suchcooperations or agreements shall be in accord with the policiesof the state soil and water districts commission; and any landrepresentative of farm land within that soil and water districtshall be eligible to enter into such cooperations or agreementswith the soil and water supervisors; and no program or procedureof soil and water conservation shall be ordered or executed bythe soil and water supervisors on any farm without the fullconsent and agreement of the land representative of that farm;
(3) To make available to any land representative within thatsoil and water district, through existing agencies if agreementswith them seem feasible, or by such other feasible means as thesupervisors shall prescribe, such services, materials, andequipment as will assist such land representatives to carry onoperations for the saving of the soil and water;
(4) To accept grants, gifts, and contributions in money,services, or materials from the United States or any of itsagencies, and to use or expend such grants, gifts orcontributions in carrying on the soil and water districtoperations; and such use or expenditure shall be in accord withthe policies of the state soil and water districts commission;
(5) To make and execute contracts and other legalinstruments, necessary for the saving of the soil and water inthat district, subject to approval by the state soil and waterdistricts commission;
(6) To accept for the purpose of saving soil and water inthat district, contributions in money, services or materials fromany source not otherwise provided for herein, and to enter intosuch agreements with land representatives as will tend to preventfuture wastage of the soil and water presently benefited by thesecontributions.
(L. 1943 p. 839 § 6, A.L. 1961 p. 31)