278.070. Definitions.
278.070. As used in sections 278.060 to 278.300, the following wordsand terms mean:
(1) "Board of soil and water district supervisors" or "soil and watersupervisors", the local governing body of a soil and water district,elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this law;
(2) "Land representative", the owner or representative authorized bypower of attorney of any farm lying within any area proposed to beestablished, and subsequently established, as a soil and water districtunder the provisions of this law, and for the purposes of sections 278.060to 278.155 each such farm shall be entitled to representation by a landrepresentative; provided, however, that any land representative must be ataxpayer of the county within which the soil and water district is located;
(3) "Landowner", any person, firm or corporation who holds title toany lands lying within a district organized or to be organized under theprovisions of this chapter. Any landowner may be represented by notarizedproxy not more than one year old;
(4) "Soil and water conservation cost-share program", a state-fundedincentive program designed for the purpose of saving the soil andprotecting the water resources of the state to preserve the productivepower of Missouri agricultural land;
(5) "Soil and water conservation district" or "soil and waterdistrict", a county or one or more of its townships wherein a project forsaving the soil and water has been established with the authority and dutyand subject to the restrictions herein set forth; and in establishing asoil and water district, if the proposed area is less than the area of thecounty which contains it, but greater than the area of one township, theadditional township or townships to be included in such soil and waterdistrict need not be contiguous with the first township or with oneanother, but there shall be only one soil and water district within theboundaries of the same county; and any farm intersected by a soil and waterdistrict boundary shall be considered as lying within that district forpurposes of soil and water conservation by that district, except that thesoil and water conservation of a farm which lies partly within one soil andwater district and partly within another shall be considered the duty ofthe soil and water district in which the home buildings of such farm arelocated;
(6) "State soil and water districts commission" or "soil and watercommission", the agency created by section 278.080 for the administrationof the soil and water conservation districts provided for by sections278.060 to 278.155;
(7) "Subdistrict", "watershed", or "watershed district", as used insections 278.160 to 278.300, a watershed district, with the exception ofsection 278.160, whereby subdistrict is specifically used to describe therelationship to an established soil and water conservation district ordistricts that may be established as a watershed district;
(8) "Township", municipal township and not congressional or surveytownship.
(L. 1943 p. 839 § 2, A.L. 1961 p. 31, A.L. 1969 S.B. 184, A.L. 1980 S.B. 612, A.L. 2008 S.B. 931, A.L. 2009 H.B. 250)Effective 6-26-09