278.010. Provisions of federal soil conservation and allotment act accepted.
Provisions of federal soil conservation and allotment act accepted.
278.010. 1. In order to cooperate with the federal government inbringing to the farm people of Missouri the full benefits of an act by theCongress of the United States, approved February 29, 1936, and generally knownas "The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act" (16 U.S.C.A. § 590h) thepolicy and purposes of which are set forth in section 7(a) of the act asfollows:
(1) Preservation and improvement of soil fertility;
(2) Promotion of the economic use and conservation of land;
(3) Diminution of exploitation and wasteful and unscientific use ofnational soil resources;
(4) The protection of rivers and harbors against the results of soilerosion in aid of maintaining the navigability of waters and water courses andin aid of flood control; and
(5) Reestablishment, at as rapid a rate as the secretary of agriculturedetermines to be practicable and in the general public interest, of the ratiobetween the purchasing power of the net income per person on farms and that ofthe income per person not on farms that prevailed during the five year period,August, 1909--July, 1914, inclusive, as determined from statistics availablein the United States Department of Agriculture, and the maintenance of suchratio.
2. The state of Missouri through its legislature hereby accepts theprovisions and requirements of said act.
(RSMo 1939 § 14425)