276.456. License to be displayed--certificate of license to be in each grain transporting vehicle.
License to be displayed--certificate of license to be in each graintransporting vehicle.
276.456. 1. Each dealer shall have and conspicuously display in eachof his business locations, within full and unobstructed sight of thepublic:
(1) Either the original or a certified copy of the dealer license asissued by the director;
(2) Such other materials or information as may be required by thedirector.
2. Upon written request of a licensee and the payment of the properfees the director shall issue to the licensee a certificate that a licensehas been issued or renewed as required by sections 276.401 to 276.582. Thenumber of such certificates shall be based upon the dealer's request andneed as shown by his application.
3. A certificate of license issued or renewed shall be posted in eachlocation listed on a licensee's application where he engages in thebusiness of a grain dealer but does not keep records pertaining to hisbusiness or transactions as a grain dealer. In the case of a licenseeoperating various grain transporting vehicles, the licensee is required tohave a certificate that the license is in effect carried in each graintransporting vehicle used in connection with the purchase and transportingof grain.
4. The certificate of license shall be displayed upon demand andshall contain information as deemed necessary by the director.
5. All licenses, including, without limitation, certificates oflicense, shall be and remain the property of the director and shall besubject to revocation, cancellation or repossession, as provided bysections 276.401 to 276.582.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1627 § 12, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)Effective 4-2-97