276.416. Application to list dollar amounts of grain purchased or to be purchased.

Application to list dollar amounts of grain purchased or to bepurchased.

276.416. In the event that the applicant has been engaged inbusiness as a grain dealer for at least one year, the applicationshall set forth the aggregate dollar amount paid for grainpurchased in Missouri and those states with whom Missouri hasentered into contracts or agreements as authorized by section276.566 during the last completed fiscal period of the applicant.In the event the applicant has been engaged in business for lessthan one year or has not previously engaged in business as agrain dealer, the application shall set forth the estimatedaggregate dollar amount to be paid for grain purchased inMissouri and those states with whom Missouri has entered intocontracts or agreements as authorized by section 276.566 duringthe applicant's initial fiscal period.

(L. 1980 H.B. 1627 § 4)