276.110. Unlawful to limit right to distribute profits--prima facie evidence of discrimination.
Unlawful to limit right to distribute profits--prima facieevidence of discrimination.
276.110. It is hereby declared unlawful for any two or moremembers of such organization to enter into any arrangement,understanding or agreement which shall limit, or have the effectof limiting, any member in the exercise of the right todistribute, in such manner and at such times as the member maydesire, to the persons composing any partnership in which themember is financially interested or to the shareholders of anycorporation or cooperative association in which such member is ashareholder, the profits of such member to the persons composingsuch partnership or to the shareholders of such corporation orcooperative association in proportion to the quantity of grain orother farm products shipped to such member by the personscomposing such partnership or the shareholders of suchcorporation or cooperative association, or which arrangement,understanding or agreement shall discriminate or have the effectof discriminating or which shall cause discrimination or tend tocause discrimination against such member because such member doesso distribute the profits of such member; and the fact that anyarrangement, understanding or agreement is made between two ormore members of such organization which does or tends todiscriminate against or which causes or tends to causediscrimination against any member who does so distribute themember's profits, shall be prima facie evidence that sucharrangement, understanding or agreement was made for the purposeof discriminating or causing discrimination against such memberbecause such member does so distribute the profits of saidmember.
(RSMo 1939 § 14393)Prior revision: 1929 § 12735