276.050. Agreement limiting distribution of profits by members prohibited.
Agreement limiting distribution of profits by members prohibited.
276.050. It is hereby declared unlawful for any two or moremembers of any association or organization organized ormaintained by persons, firms or corporations buying, selling orexchanging cattle, hogs or sheep at such public market, to enterinto any arrangement, understanding or agreement which shalllimit, or have the effect of limiting, any member in the exerciseof the right to distribute, in such manner and at such times asthe member may desire, to the persons composing any partnershipin which the member is financially interested or to theshareholders of any corporation or cooperative association inwhich such member is a shareholder, the profits of such member tothe persons composing such partnership or to the shareholders ofsuch corporation or cooperative association, in proportion to thequantity of cattle, hogs or sheep shipped to or from such memberby the persons composing such partnership or the shareholders ofsuch corporation or cooperative association, or whicharrangement, understanding or agreement shall discriminate orhave the effect of discriminating or which shall causediscrimination or tend to cause discrimination against suchmember because such member does so distribute the profits of suchmember; and the fact that any arrangement, understanding oragreement is made between two or more members of such associationor organization which does or tends to discriminate against orwhich causes or tends to cause discrimination against any memberwho does so distribute the member's profits shall be prima facieevidence that such arrangement, understanding or agreement wasmade for the purpose of discriminating or causing discriminationagainst such member because such member does so distribute theprofits of said member.
(RSMo 1939 § 14387)Prior revision: 1929 § 12729