274.190. Previously organized associations may use provisions of this chapter--procedure.
Previously organized associations may use provisions of thischapter--procedure.
274.190. 1. Any corporation or association, organized underpreviously existing statutes, may, by a majority vote of itsstockholders or members, be brought under the provisions of thischapter by limiting its membership and adopting the otherrestrictions as provided herein. It shall make out in duplicatea statement signed and sworn to by its directors to the effectthat the corporation or association has, by a majority vote ofthe stockholders or members, decided to accept the benefits andbe bound by the provisions of this chapter and has authorized allchanges accordingly.
2. Articles of incorporation shall be filed as required insection 274.070, except that they shall be signed by the membersof the then board of directors. The filing fee shall be the sameas for filing an amendment to articles of incorporation.
(RSMo 1939 § 14356, A.L. 1953 p. 3)Prior revision: 1929 § 12698