273.403. Sterilization of all cats and dogs adopted or purchased from animal shelters or animal control agencies, procedure.
Sterilization of all cats and dogs adopted or purchased from animalshelters or animal control agencies, procedure.
273.403. 1. Provisions shall be made for the sterilizationof all dogs and cats sold or released for adoption or purchasedfrom any public or private animal shelter or animal controlagency operated by a humane society, or by a county or city, orother political subdivision. Such provisions may be made by:
(1) Providing for sterilization by a licensed veterinarianbefore relinquishing custody of the animal; or
(2) Entering into a written agreement with the adopter orpurchaser guaranteeing that sterilization will be performed by alicensed veterinarian, in compliance with a sterilizationagreement which shall contain the following information:
(a) The date of the agreement;
(b) The name, address, and signature of the releasingagency and the adopter;
(c) A description of the animal to be adopted;
(d) A statement printed in conspicuous bold print thatsterilization of the animal is required pursuant to sections273.400 to 273.405;
(e) A sterilization completion date which shall be either:
a. The thirtieth day after the date of adoption in the caseof an adult animal; or
b. The thirtieth day after a specified date estimated to bethe date an adopted infant female or male puppy or kitten becomessix months of age; or
c. If the releasing agency has a written policyrecommending sterilization of certain infant animals at anearlier date, the thirtieth day after the date contained in* thewritten policy.
2. An adopter that signs a sterilization agreement shallhave the adopted animal sterilized on or before the sterilizationdate stated in the agreement. If the sterilization completiondate stated in the agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday, orlegal holiday, the deadline may be extended to the first day thatis not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. The releasing agencymay extend the deadline for thirty days on the presentation of aletter or telephone report from a licensed veterinarian statingthat the life or health of the adopted animal may be jeopardizedby sterilization. There shall be no limit to the number ofextensions that may be granted for this reason.
(L. 1992 S.B. 636 § 8)*Word "after" appears in original rolls.