273.036. Owner liable, when--fine, amount.
Owner liable, when--fine, amount.
273.036. 1. The owner or possessor of any dog that bites, withoutprovocation, any person while such person is on public property, orlawfully on private property, including the property of the owner orpossessor of the dog, is strictly liable for damages suffered by personsbitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner's orpossessor's knowledge of such viciousness. Owners and possessors of dogsshall also be strictly liable for any damage to property or livestockproximately caused by their dogs. If it is determined that the damagedparty had fault in the incident, any damages owed by the owner or possessorof the biting dog shall be reduced by the same percentage that the damagedparty's fault contributed to the incident. The provisions of this sectionshall not apply to dogs killing or maiming sheep or other domestic animalsunder section 273.020.
2. Any person who is held liable under the provisions of subsection 1of this section shall pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. Theremedies provided by this section are in addition to and cumulative withany other remedy provided by statute or common law.
(L. 2009 H.B. 62)