272.370. Petition for election--notice--order of adoption.
Petition for election--notice--order of adoption.
272.370. The county commission may on its own motion andshall upon the petition of one hundred real estate owners of tenacres or more of the county submit to the voters at a general orspecial election the proposition for the adoption by the countyof the provisions of sections 272.210 to 272.370. The commissionshall cause notice of the election to be published in a newspaperpublished within the county, or if no newspaper is publishedwithin the county, in a newspaper published in an adjoiningcounty, for three weeks consecutively, the last insertion ofwhich shall be at least ten days before the day of the election,and by posting printed notices thereof at three of the mostpublic places in each township in the county. If a majority ofthe voters voting on the proposition vote in favor of theadoption of the provisions of sections 272.210 to 272.370 thecounty commission shall issue an order declaring the adoption.From and after the issuance of the order the provisions ofsections 272.210 to 272.370 shall be in full force and effect inthe county and the provisions of sections 272.010 to 272.140shall be suspended in the county.
(L. 1963 p. 401 § 17)