271.060. Duty of taker-up.

Duty of taker-up.

271.060. If no person claim and prove said stray within thetime limited in section 271.050, the taker-up shall go beforesome associate circuit judge of the county and file a copy of thenotice given by him, as prescribed in section 271.050, and makeaffidavit that the animal or animals was or were taken up on hisplantation or the plantation of another, as the case may be, andthat the marks and brands have not to his knowledge been changedsince the same was or were taken up; that he set up or caused tobe set up three notices containing a description of the propertyin three public places in the township where the property wastaken up, and also forwarded a copy of such notice to the countyclerk thirty days previous to filing this affidavit, and that thenotice herewith filed is a true copy of those set up andforwarded to the county clerk.

(RSMo 1939 § 14503, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 12829; 1919 § 4319; 1909 § 820

Effective 1-2-79