270.400. Killing of feral hogs, permitted when.
Killing of feral hogs, permitted when.
270.400. 1. For purposes of this section, the term "feral hog" meansany hog, including Russian and European wild boar, that is notconspicuously identified by ear tags or other forms of identification andis roaming freely upon public or private lands without the landowner'spermission.
2. A person may kill a feral hog roaming freely upon such person'sland and shall not be liable to the owner of the hog for the loss of thehog.
3. Any person may take or kill a feral hog on public land or privateland with the consent of the landowner; except that, during the firearmsdeer and turkey hunting season the regulations of the Missouri wildlifecode shall apply. Such person shall not be liable to the owner of the hogfor the loss of such hog.
4. No person except a landowner or such landowner's agent on suchlandowner's property shall take or kill a feral hog with the use of anartificial light.
(L. 2002 H.B. 1348)