269.180. Specifications for disposal plants.
Specifications for disposal plants.
269.180. No disposal plant shall be deemed a suitable orsanitary place for disposing of the bodies of dead animals by anyprocess unless it conforms to the following minimumspecifications:
(1) The building must have four walls complete and beprovided with concrete or cement floors and with good drainageand be thoroughly sanitary in construction and maintenance; andany sewage, drainage, or waste water of any kind, if of anoffensive or obnoxious character or odor, detrimental to human,animal, agricultural or aquatic life, or that may constitute apublic nuisance, shall not be permitted to escape therefrom untilfirst treated as herein specified. All sewage, drainage, orwaste water must first pass through a septic tank or a filter bedor covered settling pool, that will destroy all infection thereinbefore passing therefrom and must not thereafter, at any time,empty or pass into any body of water, or any stream other than arunning stream, or if emptying upon the ground, on the premisesof said plant, it must be absorbed by the soil and not be allowedto collect in open pools, or in any other manner so as to createa public nuisance.
(2) All such plants must be properly equipped and operatedwith steel tanks, enclosed dryers and cold water condensers, andall bodies shall be reduced only by approved plants, except inemergencies, where burning may be permitted under regulationsprescribed therefor by the state veterinarian.
(3) All tanks shall be airtight, except proper escapes forlive steam, passing through the tanks during cooking, which steamshall be condensed by use of cold water condensers. All suchequipment shall be so constructed and maintained as to preventany avoidable escape of odors into the air.
(4) If a method of dry rendering is used, the heads anddischarge doors of the vessels shall be of a type using gaskets,with the doors drawn tight with bolts against such gaskets, andwith packing boxes around the agitator shafts, and with vent fordrawing off condensation, so constructed that the discharge shallbe condensed by the use of cold water condensers of sufficientcapacity, and with all thereof and every other part and openingin such equipment so constructed and maintained that there willbe no avoidable escape of odors into the air.
(5) All skinning and dismembering of bodies shall be donewithin such building and in such manner and shall be so kepttherein that no unnecessary annoyance shall be caused otherpersons by the conditions or unsightly appearance of such bodiesor any parts and contents thereof; and all such bodies and allparts and contents thereof, shall be disposed of withintwenty-four hours after delivery to such plant, by some methodherein specified; except where rendered impossible by accident orother casualty preventing the operation of the plant, or exceptwhere some epidemic or act of God had caused more bodies to beaccumulated than can be reasonably disposed of within such periodof time by the continuous operation of the plant; in any of whichevents the plant shall be placed in operation as soon as possibleand shall be operated continuously until all bodies are disposedof.
(6) In the event any bodies, or parts thereof, are disposedof at such plant at any time by burning, the place and equipmentused therefor shall be so located, constructed, arranged,maintained and operated that no avoidable odors will escape intothe air; and all portions of such bodies not so entirelyconsumed, or that may be otherwise left undisposed of, shall beburied, as herein provided.
(7) In the event any bodies, or parts of bodies, aredisposed of at said plant by burying the same, this shall be donein the same manner and period of time after receiving the same asis provided in this chapter for such burial by the owner orperson controlling such bodies prior to disposition thereof toany such plant.
(8) Such disposal plant shall be so situated, constructedand maintained and all operations therein so conducted at alltimes as not to create and continue unnecessarily a publicnuisance.
(L. 1941 p. 290 § 14493o)