269.110. Director may suspend, revoke permits, notice, hearing, procedure--subpoenas, oaths--review.

Director may suspend, revoke permits, notice, hearing,procedure--subpoenas, oaths--review.

269.110. 1. The director shall have power to suspend,revoke or otherwise restrict or discipline a permittee under thischapter, in the event such permittee shall violate and fail orrefuse to obey any of the provisions of this chapter; or in theevent any permittee has been finally convicted of, found guiltyof, or entered a guilty plea or nolo contendere to violating thelaws of this state or the United States which in any manneraffects* his conduct of said business whether or not sentence isimposed; provided, however, that before any permit shall besuspended, revoked, or otherwise restricted or disciplined, thepermittee shall be furnished with a written copy of the chargesmade against him and a hearing shall be had before the directoraccording to the provisions set forth in chapter 536, RSMo. Atthe hearing, such person and the state shall have the opportunityto present in person or by counsel such statements, testimony,evidence, and argument as may be pertinent to the charges or toany defense. The director may subpoena any persons or documentsincident to the hearing, the director may take testimony orally,by deposition, or by exhibit, in the same and with the same feesand mileage as prescribed in judicial proceedings in civil cases.The director may also administer oaths to those giving evidence.Following the hearing the director may either suspend, revoke, orotherwise restrict or discipline any permit or certificate issuedunder this chapter.

2. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the director afterthe hearing prescribed in subsection 1 of this section may seekreview of the decision by appeal de novo in the circuit court ofthe county of residence of the aggrieved.

(L. 1941 p. 290 § 14493q, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1992 H.B. 878)

*Word "affecting" appears in original rolls.