268.121. Recorded brand list a public record, to whom furnished.
Recorded brand list a public record, to whom furnished.
268.121. It shall be the duty of the director from time totime to cause to be published in book form a list of all brandson record at the time of the publication. The lists may besupplemented from time to time. The publication shall contain afacsimile of all brands recorded and the owner's name andpost-office address. The records shall be arranged in convenientform for reference. It shall be the duty of the director to sendone copy of the brand book and supplements to the county recorderof deeds of each county and to each licensed livestock market andslaughter plant in the state. The books and supplements shall befurnished without cost to the livestock market or slaughter plantor to the county and shall be kept as a matter of public record.The books and supplements may be sold to the general public atthe cost of printing and mailing each book.
(L. 1971 H.B. 134 § 13)