267.210. Disposition of condemned cattle.
Disposition of condemned cattle.
267.210. After cattle, in quarantine on account oftuberculosis, under sections 267.010 to 267.460, have been dulyappraised, said condemned cattle may, at the discretion of thestate veterinarian, be shipped by their owner, under thesupervision of the state veterinarian, by legal permit, to anyslaughtering plant which is provided with state or federal meatinspection service, to be slaughtered and disposed of under therules of meat inspection. Before shipment, however, each animalshall be branded, tagged or marked in such way as to make itsidentity certain. Such animals must be kept separate from allhealthy animals and be sold as tuberculous* cattle for immediateslaughter.
(RSMo 1939 § 14204, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1816)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12533; 1919 § 12092; 1909 § 715
Effective 5-10-78
*Word "tuberculosis" appears in original rolls.