265.490. Definitions.
265.490. As used in sections 265.490 to 265.499:
(1) "Bulk meat" means beef sold by hanging weight, consisting of wholecarcasses and the following primal cuts:
(a) "Side of beef", one-half of a split beef, comprising thefrontquarter and hindquarter;
(b) "Frontquarter of beef", the foreward portion of a side, back to andincluding the twelfth rib;
(c) "Back of beef", chuck and rib with plate and brisket removed;
(d) "Arm chuck of beef", arm chuck with brisket removed, back to andincluding the fifth rib;
(e) "Rib of beef", from the sixth to the twelfth rib, inclusive, not toexceed ten inches from tip of chine bone to top of rib without plate;
(f) "Hindquarter of beef", the rear section of a side from and includingthe thirteenth rib, consisting of round, loin and flank;
(g) "Trimmed loin of beef", short loin and hip (sirloin), and thatsection of hindquarter including thirteenth rib and separated one inch to twoinches below aitchbone, without flank or kidney;
(h) "Full loin of beef", loin of beef, including flank and kidney;
(i) "Round of beef", that portion of hindquarter separated from loin oneinch to two inches below aitchbone back to the shin bone;
(2) "Buyer" means both actual and prospective purchasers but does notinclude persons purchasing for resale;
(3) "Food plan" means any plan offering meat for sale or the offering ofsuch product in combination with each other or with any other food or nonfoodproduct or service for a single price;
(4) "Misrepresent" means the use of any untrue, misleading or deceptiveoral or written statement, advertisement, label, display, picture,illustration or sample;
(5) "Person" means individual, partnership, firm, corporation,association, or other entity;
(6) "Represent" means the use of any form of oral or written statement,advertisement, label, display, picture, illustration or sample;
(7) "Seller" means any person, individual or business entity,corporation, league, franchise, franchisee, franchisor or any authorizedrepresentative or agent thereof who offers meat, or combinations of suchitems, for retail purchase to the public for preparation and consumption offthe premises where sold or for direct purchase by an individual at hisresidence.
(L. 1985 H.B. 409 & 532 § 27)