265.444. Stop-sale order, when--seizure of product when, appeal.
Stop-sale order, when--seizure of product when, appeal.
265.444. 1. All poultry, meat or meat products intended forhuman consumption found by an inspector to be misbranded shall beordered off-sale. Such stop-sale order shall specify the reasonfor its issuance and shall detail the character of the violation.No poultry, meat or meat products to which a stop-sale orderapplies shall be marketed until and unless the order has beenwithdrawn. The director shall withdraw a stop-sale order onlyupon his determination that the conditions leading to issuance ofthe order have been corrected.
2. If the conditions leading to the issuance of a stop-saleorder have not been corrected within sixty days, the director maytake possession or custody of the poultry, meat or meat productsagainst which a stop-sale order has been issued. Upon ten days'notice to the owner, the poultry, meat or meat product shall bedisposed of in a manner that is consistent with the public safetyand interest. The owner or custodian of the poultry, meat ormeat product shall not be entitled to any compensation or damageson account of such seizure or disposition. Any order fordisposal of poultry, meat or meat products that have been seizedshall be stayed by timely appeal as provided in chapter 536,RSMo.
(L. 1971 S.B. 39 § 4)