265.370. Unwholesome meat or meat products condemned--appeal, written notice, reinspection--director's determination subject to administrative review.

Unwholesome meat or meat products condemned--appeal, writtennotice, reinspection--director's determination subject toadministrative review.

265.370. 1. All livestock, poultry, meat or meat productsintended for human consumption found by an inspector to beunwholesome or adulterated shall be condemned and destroyed,unless the article can be rendered wholesome and unadulterated byreprocessing under the supervision of the inspector; except thatany order for destruction shall be stayed by timely appeal.

2. At any time within twenty-four hours after the order ofthe inspector, any person aggrieved by the order may object tothe inspector's determination by filing a written notice with thedirector, stating the specific grounds for the objection.

3. The director may cause an inspection of the condemnedarticle to be made by two additional inspectors, and shall ruleon the objection seventy-two hours after receiving notice.

4. The determination of the director shall be subject toreview as provided by chapter 536, RSMo.

(L. 1967 p. 371 § 7)